Friday, June 6, 2014

Fault in our stars

*empower, Avon (2 coats) navy blue
*sexy in the city, China Glaze (2 coats)
*white acrylic with striper brush
Yesterday i went to see the Fault in our Stars movie and enjoyed it so much I had to do a mani inspired by it. In the beginning Hazel had this beautiful dark 'moody' blue polish that she wears that loved. So i came home and looked for something similar and found empower. To add more from the book i did my accent nail a turquoise blue and added a white outline of a star to it.
This way i have both the color she rocked and a little book flair as well.
So i hope you enjoy and have a perfectly polished day!!!
(And if you haven't yet read or see the Fault in our Stars cause its amazing, but bring your tissues!!!)

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