Wednesday, October 10, 2012


* glitter polish ( china glaze, electrify)
* black striper
* black polish
I love this glitter. Its like foil in a bottle. And the best part is that it only took two coats for the nails by themselve and one on my accent nail since it was over a black base.
I was overly happy with this polish and this mani. I can't wait to buy more china glazes in the future. Especially if the rest are as good as this one. Have a great and perfectly polished day.

This is one coat of electrify on each of my nails. With base.
This is two coats on all my nails but the accent finger and no top coat. 
This is the finished product with two coats electrify (except accent which has one), a top coat and black stripes to tie in the accent nail. I was really happy with how straight my lines came out!!!

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