Thursday, October 23, 2014

Day 31: Honor nails you love/ Kitty Cats

*Sinful colors, wisp (2 coats)
*aeropostale, black polish pen
*wet n wild, french white creme (for appliques)

I have finally finished the 31 Day Challenge!!! It took longer than I would have like, but I finally did it and I think I got some really good manis out of it.
For this I once again used the plastic bag effect to make the kitty and some of the paws. One or two i did by hand. The appliques arent the exact color as the polish beneath which is a bit annoying, but overall i actually like how this looks. I saw this on my facebook one day and knew I had to try it, so here it is. 
So i hope you enjoy and have a perfectly polished day!!!


Original Look

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